The Linguistics Department offers the Second Language Proficiency Exam for languages not taught on campus, with the exception of those taught by The Critical Languages Program. Students can be tested to determine 2nd semester, 4th semester, or native-level proficiency.  Students will not receive any course credit for passing the exam, but their second language requirement will be waived if they pass the exam.

The fee for the Language Exam for currently enrolled University of Arizona student is $130. For non-University of Arizona students, the fee is $230.

Here is a short list of some of the languages that test regularly (we are able to test other languages as well – this list is not exhaustive):
Armenian, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Igbo, Korean, Malay, Navajo, Polish, Romanian, Sinhala, Slovak, Somali, Thai, Twi, Vietnamese

Exams are given one on one with one of our faculty members, or one of our graduate students.

To sign up for an exam please pick only one of the options in the calendar below.

You will be scheduled for an exam in the order in which your request was received. Please be aware that our faculty members and graduate students may not be available during peak university times (such as the beginning and ending of the semester, or during the summer or winter breaks, so don’t wait until the last minute to sign up for a language exam). Additionally, the testers’ time is valuable, so if you miss a scheduled appointment without contacting us in advance, you will be charged a $20 rescheduling fee.

Note:  If you took a placement exam during orientation please see the following for information:

For questions about ASL please refer to their web page:

December 2024